
At first sight, his compositions on paper remind of the architectural sketches. The architecture of the city, its spatial relations in the matter and its lack, the play of light and shadow between them, were, in fact, a crucial starting point of Mendez-Liskaʼs dealing with the tectonics of the (spatial) experience. However, while looking at his latest series, as well as artist´s oeuvre as such, one cannot oversee the overlaps with the forms and structures, that can be found in the musical scores or visual poetry as well. Such reading opens the further levels of the multilayered experience, which although it is exclusively visual, remains definitely not quiet.

text extract © Miroslava Urbanová

serie: Herencia
indian ink on 100 % cotton 300gr paper
Viena 2018

serie: Bible on drawings
indian ink on double-column layouts bible paper
Viena 2018

serie: Tectonic Experiences
indian ink + pigments on handmade 100 % cotton paper 200gr
Viena 2018

serie: Herencia
indian ink on 170gr paper
Viena 2019

serie: Asuntos Vieneses
indian ink on 100 % cotton 300gr paper
Viena 2020